Ghicitori în engleză de Halloween, pentru copii

Ghicitori de Halloween, în engleză, pentru copii. Vezi mai jos lista cu ghicitori de Halloween. Apasă pentru a vedea răspunsul ascuns.

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 1

I am a candy that looks like a shepherd's staff. What am I?

Răspuns (Answer): Candy Cane

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 2

I can swim but never get wet. I can run but never get tired. I follow you everywhere but never say a word. What am I?

Răspuns (Answer): Shadow

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 3

I am quick when I'm thin. I am slow when I'm fat. Wind is my worst nightmare. What am I?

Răspuns (Answer): Candle

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 4

In two years I knowI'll be twice as old as five years agosaid Tom. How old is Tom?

Răspuns (Answer): Twelve

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 5

I am milky white and scares people. What am I?

Răspuns (Answer): Ghost

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 6

The time between daylight and darkness when blood drinkers like to come out. What am I?

Răspuns (Answer): Twilight

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 7

Dorothy had a severe disagreement with a woman of this magical persuasion.

Răspuns (Answer): Witch

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 8

Treats said to be based on a shepherd's staff.

Răspuns (Answer): CandyCane

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 9

High fat reward for making it through another solar cycle.

Răspuns (Answer): Cake

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 10

My teeth help me suck. What am I?

Răspuns (Answer): Vampire

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 11

Come November 1stmany of these will be found smashed on sidewalks.

Răspuns (Answer): Pumpkin

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 12

GoliathThe Jolly Green and Andre are all examples of this.

Răspuns (Answer): Giant

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 13

I am whole but incomplete. I have no eyesyet I see. You can seeand see right through me. My largest part is one fourth of what I once was.

Răspuns (Answer): Skeleton

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 14

The ball drops when the clock hits this.

Răspuns (Answer): Midnight

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 15

Taking this from a baby is said to be quite easy.

Răspuns (Answer): Candy

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 16

What can't you seehear or feeluntil its too late. What shadows loveand shopkeepers hate?

Răspuns (Answer): Thief

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 17

I enclose you in darkness but allow you to see many things. If you resist meyou're likely to get rings. What am I?

Răspuns (Answer): Sleep

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 18

What comes once a day but leaves every morning?

Răspuns (Answer): Night

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 19

They are dark and always on the run. But without the sun there would be none. they are...

Răspuns (Answer): Shadows

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 20

It comes from crystal and melts to a treat. Add it to your tea to make it sweet. What is it?

Răspuns (Answer): Sugar

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 21

I give people a huge frightbut at the end I'm sweet. I normally celebrate at nightwhen there's less heat. What am I?

Răspuns (Answer): Halloween

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 22

Carrot Angel Red Velvet Cup

Răspuns (Answer): Cakes

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 23

I'm the part of the bird that's not in the sky. I can swim in the ocean and yet remain dry. What am

Răspuns (Answer): Shadow

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 24

If I say I'm going to hit the sackwhat am I going to d

Răspuns (Answer): Sleep

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 25

I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?

Răspuns (Answer): Candle

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 26

They are toothy nocturnal immortals

Răspuns (Answer): Vampire

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 27

This is often found in doctor's offices and a common sight in pirate flag

Răspuns (Answer): Skeleton

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 28

It is the assumed nocturnal symbol of Mr. Wayne. What is it?

Răspuns (Answer): Bat

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 29

I am green and ugly and come out at night with a crumple old broom. Who am I?

Răspuns (Answer): Witch

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 30

Though I wander the earthI am no longer here. I am pale and I chill everyone near. Who am I?

Răspuns (Answer): Ghost

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 31

How many months have 28 days

Răspuns (Answer): Twelve

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 32

I am some one you don't know. Who am I?

Răspuns (Answer): Stranger

Ghicitoare Halloween Copii 33

What is a Twihard a fan of?

Răspuns (Answer): Twilight
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