Ghicitori de Halloween, în engleză, pentru copii. Vezi mai jos lista cu ghicitori de Halloween. Apasă pentru a vedea răspunsul ascuns.
Ghicitori de Halloween, în engleză, pentru copii. Vezi mai jos lista cu ghicitori de Halloween. Apasă pentru a vedea răspunsul ascuns.
I am a candy that looks like a shepherd's staff. What am I?
I can swim but never get wet. I can run but never get tired. I follow you everywhere but never say a word. What am I?
I am quick when I'm thin. I am slow when I'm fat. Wind is my worst nightmare. What am I?
In two years I knowI'll be twice as old as five years agosaid Tom. How old is Tom?
I am milky white and scares people. What am I?
The time between daylight and darkness when blood drinkers like to come out. What am I?
Dorothy had a severe disagreement with a woman of this magical persuasion.
Treats said to be based on a shepherd's staff.
High fat reward for making it through another solar cycle.
My teeth help me suck. What am I?
Come November 1stmany of these will be found smashed on sidewalks.
GoliathThe Jolly Green and Andre are all examples of this.
I am whole but incomplete. I have no eyesyet I see. You can seeand see right through me. My largest part is one fourth of what I once was.
The ball drops when the clock hits this.
Taking this from a baby is said to be quite easy.
What can't you seehear or feeluntil its too late. What shadows loveand shopkeepers hate?
I enclose you in darkness but allow you to see many things. If you resist meyou're likely to get rings. What am I?
What comes once a day but leaves every morning?
They are dark and always on the run. But without the sun there would be none. they are...
It comes from crystal and melts to a treat. Add it to your tea to make it sweet. What is it?
I give people a huge frightbut at the end I'm sweet. I normally celebrate at nightwhen there's less heat. What am I?
I'm the part of the bird that's not in the sky. I can swim in the ocean and yet remain dry. What am
If I say I'm going to hit the sackwhat am I going to d
I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?
They are toothy nocturnal immortals
This is often found in doctor's offices and a common sight in pirate flag
It is the assumed nocturnal symbol of Mr. Wayne. What is it?
I am green and ugly and come out at night with a crumple old broom. Who am I?
Though I wander the earthI am no longer here. I am pale and I chill everyone near. Who am I?
I am some one you don't know. Who am I?
Vrei să îți ajuți copiii să învețe o limbă străină, dar nu știi cum? 😬
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