We have put together a list of questions and answers, constantly updated, in order to provide you with as much information as possible about how we organise and carry out our activities.
Bright Kids opening hours are Monday-Friday between 9.00-18.00. For further questions, we are also available on whatsapp or social networks where we respond to messages within 24 hours.
The courses start on the first days of September and finish at the end of June the following year. There is a number of courses that run for a limited period of time only (summer courses, financial literacy courses, etc).
Yes, summer courses run from July to August.
Registration is done by filling in the registration form online, by phone call or on whatsapp.
If you are already a Bright Kids student, you can reserve your place automatically by paying the course fee for the next school year before the start of the course (in August). This means you keep your place but does not necessarily guarantee that you will keep your group, teacher or timetable from the previous year.
Testing of potential learners is done online, assessing their writing, reading, listening and speaking skills in the language they wish to study. It lasts between 30 and 60 minutes and is carried out by a qualified teacher. He uses his own materials adapted to the learner’s knowledge.
The group can only be changed if the learner’s timetable no longer corresponds to the group’s timetable or if the level of knowledge is below or above that of the participants of the course already attended.
The groups do not always correspond to the class the pupil is in because the level of knowledge may be different. The learner will be assigned to a group that corresponds to his/her speaking/reading/listening/writing skills in the language.
The groups do not always correspond to the class the pupil is in because the level of knowledge may be different. The learner will be assigned to a group that corresponds to his/her speaking/reading/listening/writing skills in the language.
Payment can be made by PO or online at www.brightkids.ro
The first lesson is a demonstration and is included in the monthly subscription if the participant decides to continue the course. Otherwise, the demonstration session will be free of charge.
The trainee has the possibility to recover the sessions already paid, within another group, but the amount paid according to the invoice issued cannot be refunded.
Bright Kids learners are given internal tests after each chapter, after which the child’s progress can be assessed on the basis of grades for: speaking, listening, writing, reading. Tests are sent to parents quarterly and are sent via whatsapp or email. At the end of the course the students take an internal final test or an examination and receive a diploma/certificate with the test results.
The learner can make up the missed session in another group with the same level of knowledge. If there is no group with the same level of knowledge or the programme does not correspond, the learner can choose another course to attend.
The course material is used for the duration of the contract (September to June) but sometimes the study can continue during the summer or the following school year.
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