About us

Bright Kids Story

Bright Kids is a school of languages which offers preparation for all English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Chinese exams. Our team consists of both Romanian and native speakers who have vast experience in the teaching process and have university and post-university studies in the USA, Great Britain, Spain, France, Italy, Germany and China. As we want to offer high-quality services, our teachers own international qualifications or are in the process to achieve them.

Foreign languages are fascinating, and our passion for teaching determines us to be proficient and overcome our limits. We stand out with professionalism, positive energy and creativity.

We dare to say that we are a young team that brings up innovation in teaching and comes up with captivating and creative teaching sessions. With us, English is fun!

Flexible learning in small groups

Invatare Flexibila Limbi Straine

Dedicated and passionate teachers

Profesori dedicati si pasionati limbi straine

Initial knowledge assessment

Evaluare initiala

Guaranteed service quality

Garantia calitatii
Despre BrightKids

BrightKids' Mission

  • Bright Kids teachers create a pleasant atmosphere during classes, and learning in a warm and gentle environment where students feel safe is the key to harmonious development. Thus, children assimilate information much more quickly and are more confident.
  • Our students learn even if they make mistakes, and the teachers constantly encourage them to try, ask questions to overcome themselves. The errors are gently corrected, with a lot of emphasis on the courage and initiative of the students.
  • The most effective way for people to reach their full potential is through learning, so training and self-development are a priority for Bright Kids teachers. We invest in personal development and training with specialized teachers from Great Britain and Romania.
  • Bright Kids teachers constantly adapt to the needs of the students, and for us, learning is playing.
  • Connecting with children is the most important, that’s why, from the first sessions, this is the first thing we do, we make friends.
  • We insist until any notion is well understood!
  • We debate in our courses notions that have a close connection with real life.
  • Cooperation, friendship, respect, conscientiousness and seriousness are values ​​we transmit to our students.

De ce Cursuri Online de Limbi Straine la Bright Kids?

Varietate cursuri

Selectie larga de cursuri pe niveluri de limba

Platforma intuitiva

Platforma intuitiva, gratuita, ce nu necesita cunostinte tehnice avansate

Grupe mici

Grupe mici pentru o interactiune profesor-elev eficienta și în timp real

Metode de predare atractive

Metode interactive, completate de jocuri, cantece, fise, exercitii audio și imagini adaptate fiecarei varste

Concursuri interne

Concursuri interne organizate de trainerii nostri, care stimuleaza procesul de invatare

Comunicare eficienta

Posibilitatea comunicarii cu noi în functie de programul tau sau al copilului

Pregatire examene

Pregatire dedicata în vederea sustinerii examenelor de specialitate


Transparenta pe durata procesului de invatare/pregatire pentru parinte

Lectia deschisa

Lectie deschisa pentru parinti la finalul anului scolar

Diplome și acreditări

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